Wednesday, July 6, 2016

SEC bias example

Tenn. graduate and "journalist" provides another clear example of the type of bias FSU has had working against it.  Granted, this isn't ESPN bias...but the media machine behind the SEC adds up and makes a difference.

To be clear, I don't ask for special treatment for FSU.  I take issue with the completely separate way the SEC is treated.  Why are they treated differently?  $$$$ ...they are where the $$ is.

Can't be impartial as a journalist?  Then stop with the ethical takes.  Nobody asked sports media to be ethical watch dogs.  The very idea is nuts.

DevinFSU @DevinFSU 1 hour ago
Life comes at you so fast

1 comment:

  1. $2.48M vs $0.95M... WHICH school is guilty again? I'm confused.
    Tennessee is an example of why it's illegal to marry your cousins.
