Friday, April 29, 2016

Tallahassee Memorial Hospital named NICU to honor College of Medicine

"On April 6, the Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare made an announcement that their neonatal intensive-care unit, or NICU, would be named The Florida State University College of Medicine Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, honoring the hospital’s partnership with the university.
Paula Fortunas, the President of the Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare Foundation, says that the hospital has had a "positive, ongoing partnership since the FSU College of Medicine was created."
This partnership includes the receipt of funds from FSU Dance Marathon, an annual event where participating students stay on their feet for 20 hours in order to raise money for the Children's Miracle Network and FSU College of Medicine Pediatric Outreach Programs. According to John P. Fogarty, the Dean of the College of Medicine, the college receives annually half of the Dance Marathon earnings, then donates one third of that money to TMH.
Fogarty estimates that over the past ten years, the College of Medicine has donated $1 million to TMH pediatric programs.
Because of the significant amount of donations that the college has made over the years, Fogarty says, "I had asked to have some acknowledgement that this would not have been possible without the College of Medicine and Dance Marathon."
Paula Fortunas is also a member of the Executive Council of TMH, where she brought the request of dedication for approval. The council decided to dedicate the name of the NICU to those who have worked to donate time and resources, agreeing with Fortunas to "show gratitude to the College of Medicine."

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