Tuesday, April 8, 2014

History of the State Leg. with FSU and FAMU

Great message post below.  FAMU supporters will never accept this, but it is reality.  UF has played FAMU and FSU against each other for years based on sexism and racism, but FAMU's argument far to often ignores history and calls FSU racist.

This ignores the fact that FSU does a GREAT job with graduating minorities, the C.A.R.E. program has done amazing things for African American enrollees (documented in a Wall Street Journal article).

It also ignores that FSU had it's Eng. program taken from it in 1971.  It also had it's Journalism program taken from it in 1954.

This isn't FAMU vs FSU, this is clearly UF doing a fantastic job at pitting FAMU and FSU against each other having them fight over pennies, while they loaded up with dollars.

The College of Engineering needs to be split and allow FAMU and FSU to achieve their missions.  Enough of the inaccurate racial rhetoric.

History of the State Leg. with FSU and FAMU


"Sadly no one should care what the Democrat says.   It's a small town paper that used to be radically southern conservative (remember Malcolm Johnson?) and has now done a 180 and still cannot get it right.   Lose the mullet wrapper and stop giving it more credence than it deserves.

Florida State University is behind for some of the same reasons that FAMU has to fight - racist and misogynist ignoramuses of 100 years ago, namely one Henry H. Buckman. I recall  arriving in Tally in the late 60's and noting that FAMU, then a respected HBCU of accomplishment and history, had a nursing school, a pharmacy school, architecture, journalism, and it's own hospital (out of historic necessity).

At one point I believe that they also had a medical school.   FAMU students were well taught and were ready for college, as were students going to other colleges at the time.  No such thing as remedial courses at FAM or FSU or on any four year campus. 

The Democrats who ran the Legislature and the Governor's mansion from the end of Reconstruction until Claude Kirk was elected were white Dixiecrats and gators.  Period.  Neither wanted to do any favors for either of the Tallahassee schools, that just educated "girls and colored people".  FSU had a wonderful School of Education and Home Economics and useful things for ladies who would just become wives and mothers and as for FAMU, well,  the name is Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University.   You know, so you "colored people" would become "proficient" in I don't know -  tapping turpentine or fixing tractors? It's hard to now envision the ignorance and bigotry of low expectations whether it was learning to bake a better cake or be a better field worker.  

On to today.   FAMU now only requires a high school diploma for admission, and has become a scam of a school where millions and millions of everyone's tax dollars are sent via Pell Grants,  DOE money,  grants here, grants there, endless student loans, and no accountability because you just cannot ask where the money went or you're branded a racist.   FAMU folks should wake up and realize that the gators in today's legislature are in there riling up the waters so that they can divide and conquer and continue with their disproportionate share of the spoils. You're being used.  

Would any of you want to drive over a bridge built or inspected by engineers who got oh, maybe a 2.3 in college yet got into the COE strictly because well, you know....they're disadvantaged.   Fifty years ago they were disadvantaged.  Today, not the case.   I'm not willing to accept the accusatory remarks as made by the OP - today's FSU graduates more minority students than any other of the State's four year institutions; they're loyal FSU graduates and one cannot help but think that adds to the resentment felt by FAMU students and alumni.  

 Okay, I've vented enough."

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